Birth of Bakgatla ba Kgafela le Bakgatla ba Mosetlha
In about 1650, after death of King Mogale, The Bakgatla tribe was divided between supporters of daughter Mosetlha from his great house and son Kgafela from his second house. There was disagreement over who would be the new leader.
Today we can trace the leadership structure of chieftaincy from Kgosi Nchaupe ‘Nchaupe college’ ‘s main wife was Mantshole ‘day care in former Bobuthatswana in Dikebu’. Kgosi and his wife were blessed with five sons. Mokopane ‘Mokopane district before it was occupied by Ndebeles’, Mathibe ‘Mathibestard around Moretele/Makapan district’, Mohapi, Motjile, Nkokole.
After the death of King Nchaupe his son Kgosi Mokopane led Bakgatla ba Mosetlha tribe in a South Africa Region known as Waterberg Belabela (Mokopane,Limpopo) to Thaba Bosigo where Bakgatla used to live near big hole known as Madimatle.
Kgosi Mokopane and his wife Makiba were blessed with five sons. Thipe, Tlou, Nchaupe, Motshegwa ‘Motshegwa district’, Diratsagae ‘High school in Dikebu’ After Kgosi Mokopane died he was buried at the top of the mountain in Mabotse. During the days of Bophuthatswana & Transval Mangope named most of town with royal names.