Ubunye | Ubuningi

Ubunye: igama elichaza into eyodwa.

E.g umfana, inkomo, imbuzi, umakhelwane, inkanyezi

Ubuningi: igama elichaza izinto eziningi.

E.g abafana, izinkomo, izimbuzi, omakhelwane, izinkanyezi

Ibizo | Yini ibizo

Ibizo igama lento ephilayo noma engaphili.

E.g amanzi, uSipho, utshani, amanzi, ugesi, unogwaja, isikela, intombazane

Izandiso | Yini izandiso


Adverbs : Words that describe the verb in a sentence.

Lawa amagama achaza isenzo emshweni.

Eg : kahle , kabuhlungu , kwagogo , phezulu , phansi , ebusuku

Ondaweni | Yini Ondaweni


Locatives : Words that indicate the name of a place

Lawa amagama asho izindawo

Eg : esikoleni , kumama , ekhaya , esibhedlela

Iziphawulo | Yini iziphawulo


Adjectives : Words that describe the noun in a sentence

Eg : -hle , -ncane , -dala , -fushane

Amabizonto | Yini Amabizonto


Impersonal nouns : Nouns that denote non- humans ( inanimate )

Lawa amabizo ezinto ezingaphili.

Eg : amanzi , itshe, intukuthelo, ukujabula, utshani.

Amabizomuntu | Yini amabizomuntu


Personal nouns : Nouns that denote human beings

Eg : ubaba , intombazane , umfana, umalume, usisi, ugogo.

Imifakela | Yini imifakela


Borrowed nouns : Nouns which are borrowed from other languages such as English and Afrikaans

Eg : itiye , ubanana , itafula

Amabizoqho | Yini amabizoqho


Proper nouns : Nouns that are always written in capital letters

Eg : uZuma , eMpumalanga

Izithakazelo zakwa Sigudo | Sigudo Clan

Sigudo Clan Names

Uma kukhona onolwazi ngezithakazelo zakwa Sigudo, sicela uzithumele kule email: [email protected]

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